i am what i am. the past is what made me.

the future is what awaits me.

the present is what molds me.

i live to LAUGH, to THINK, and to LOVE.

show me a man who doesn't know how to laugh, and i'll show you a man with a tag around his dead toe...

show me a man who disregards knowledge and wisdom, and i'll show you an oyster's shell empty of its treasure.

show me a man who doesn't know how to love, and i'll show you a statue; an object that knows no time, no thought, no emotion.

My Friendster Account!
Exponential Complexity


skin by
golda :)

Friday, October 20, 2006


It's what I do when I've got time on my hands and inspiration strikes.

It's not really difficult. All you need are a good grasp of the chosen language, a lot of angst or whatever emotions you're feeling right now, writing materials, basic knowledge on chords-reading, ability to play at least one musical instrument, and most important: loads and loads of inspiration.

Easy, right...

Well, if you're feeling discouraged right now, don't sweat. Take me for example. I don't know how to lay the chords, but I can hum a tune. If you have a recorder (whether it's a tape recorder, your pc or even a studio!), you can come up with the lyrics and the tune, then find someone who's willing to do the chords for you. Though I doubt it if it would be free. Maybe they'll ask for a free meal or something...

You can write about almost anything. Your dog, your day, your whatever and whoever. Just make sure that it's got substance, not just a bunch of meaningless phrases and sentences.

With those in mind, go on! Write your song and sing it to the world. Or sell it!!!!!! Bwahaha!!!!

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
When Boredom Strikes!!!

What happens when boredom strikes:
1. People resort to Friendster...
2. People update their Friendster...
3. People create blogs...
4. People update their blogs...
5. Sleep is often a favorite...
6. Raiding the fridge...well basically eating is never far behind...
7. Stupid ideas (like "canning your fart, light up a match, drop it in the can and see if it explodes" kind of stupid) come out of the woodwork.
8. Humiliating yourself after acting on that stupid idea.
9. The television is your hangout buddy. The remote control is your bestfriend. And the couch is your girlfriend/boyfriend.
10. You can't think of anything to add to this new entry anymore...
Gotta go...
a stupid idea just popped into my head.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Whenever I take a dive at the edge of a pool, I get nervous. Heart beats a little faster, breathing becomes shallow, adrenaline shoots up, eyes dilate. All my senses are tingling.

Similar situations:
1. Being chased by a dog...well...being chased by anything and anyone you want to run away from!

2. Taking a really really really difficult exam or undergoing a really really really painful ordeal.

3. Feeling happy... EXTREMELY happy. Non-drug-induced. For some personal reason. Like passing that really really really difficult exam or surviving that really really really painful ordeal.

4. Falling in love, like or even getting infatuated.

I feel I have been given the "unqualified" stamp mark on that last item. I mean, who does that??

Why is Czarina "unqualified" to fall in love, like or even get infatuated (at present):
1. She's scared, perhaps? (of what??)
2. She doesn't want the trappings that go along with it, maybe?
3. She doesn't want the rollercoaster ride that's waiting to pounce on its unsuspecting victims...

But isn't that supposed to be the beauty of it all? To fall in love and not know where it will take you; what matters is who you journey with.

Am I trying too hard? Or am I not trying at all?

Should I wait for love to come knocking at my door? Or should I go out and look for it?

"It's not yet your time," my well-meaning friends would say. For awhile I believed them. But tonight, as I sit infront of my laptop and contemplate, I ask myself, "When will it ever be??"

It's difficult to be in love. I have seen my friends go through it all; the tears, the quarrels, the make-ups and the break-ups. But it's great to fall in love too; sweet nothings, meaningful talks, comfortable silences, little quirks that make him/her so much more human and even more lovable.

Do I want this?

Yes. A part of me does.

But a part of me also shies away from it.

I want my nights to be worry-free. I don't want what love can do: deprive people of their sleep, create the deepest frowns and ultimately leave the worst wrinkles. In short, it drives people crazy.

When will I, as a whole being, want all the insanity and beauty that go along with love?

People say that when we meet the right person, we'll instinctively know.

God. I hope my instincts won't be hibernating when that time comes.