i am what i am. the past is what made me.

the future is what awaits me.

the present is what molds me.

i live to LAUGH, to THINK, and to LOVE.

show me a man who doesn't know how to laugh, and i'll show you a man with a tag around his dead toe...

show me a man who disregards knowledge and wisdom, and i'll show you an oyster's shell empty of its treasure.

show me a man who doesn't know how to love, and i'll show you a statue; an object that knows no time, no thought, no emotion.

My Friendster Account!
Exponential Complexity


skin by
golda :)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Survey for the day:

Change your eye color, what color would they be?:
greeeen... I've always liked green eyes.

Have any hair color in the world, which color?:
auburn. To match the green eyes. HAHA!

Instantly be fluent in one language, which language and why?:
French. It's just SO sexy to hear someone speak French. You can speak dirty words but still sound so good.

Instantly be able to play an instrument, which instrument and why?:
If you say "play" do you mean "really good at it" or just plain "play"?? Well I'd like to play the guitars really well... or the piano... violin!!! Yun na lang, never ko pa kasi nasubukang tumugtog ng violin.

Get any job in the world and be good at it too,which job would it be?:
Miranda Priestly's job in "The Devil Wears Prada." I just love fashion.

Live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?:
hmmm... sounds cheesy but there's no place like home. Now if you're talking taking a trip AROUND THE WORLD...

Join any band, which band would it be?:
Boyband.Joke lang!!!! Mga dati kong kabanda nung high school.

Have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Control over time. Coz I'm usually late... and a perpetual crammer... and an expert procrastinator.

Relive one of your favorite memories, which one would it be?
when I went out with this guy and had one of the greatest conversations I've ever had...

Magically alter any aspect of your appearance without any pain whatsoever, what would you do?
magically make my skin allergy-free forever!!!!

Eliminate one bug from the planet, which one and why?
mosquitos. First they get what they want from you (which is blood of course), then they leave you with an itchy bump and give you a bonus (take your pick: malaria, dengue, etc. etc.).

Bring any TV shows that went off the air back,which ones would you bring back?
Dharma and Greg.

You were president, what changes would you make to your country?
Improve the economy for real.

Could become an animal, which animal would you be?
I've always thought I'd be a good tiger.

Eliminate any class from your schedule, which would it be and why?
None coz they're my majors. Duh! 4th year!!

Eliminate one season, which one and why?:
None because the Philippines only have two. Grabe naman pag sobrang ulan o sobrang init!?

Improve one of your five senses, which one would you improve?
Hearing. May bad habit kasi akong selective hearing. At para magkaalaman na rin. Bwahahahah!!!

Instantly become famous, what would you want to be famous for?
Music and Design

Change your name, what would you change it to?
I'll leave my name just the way it is. I love my name.

Paint your room, what colors would it be?
Pastel colors. More on green or lavender.

Be an instant millionaire, what would you do with the money?
Make more millions until they're zillions!

Meet any famous person, who would you meet?
the Dalai Lama...cheesy. Okay I wanna meet Angelina Jolie.

Master one school subject, which subject wouldyou choose and why?
NCM (meaning lahat ng NCM subjects ko) kasi feeling ko kulang na kulang ako sa mastery. Bwahaha!!

Visit any planet, no matter how far or how bad living conditions are, which would you visit?
Mars. It might be the next best thing to earth in future.

Spend an unlimited amount of money in any one store, which store would it be?
Saks. HAHA..

Go back to one of your younger ages, what age would you be again and why?
Before I hit puberty. Because I didn't care how I looked back then... Hindi pa ako nako-"conscious"... Hehehe...

Get one piercing and/or tattoo without any pain,what would you get?
I don't like tattoos because they look dirty (and think about your grandpa's jiggly arm with your grandma's face tattooed on it). Pierce? Sa belly button siguro...